Un-Imported InTouch Orders

If your old order is not showing up in InTouch Order History anymore then you will have to manually adjust the products and record the expenses. Normally QT Office does this for you when you import. 

Please watch the " How to input initial inventory" video. This will show you how to adjust your inventory and how to add those expenses.

Here are the basic steps:
On the Inventory page you will have to manually adjust the quantities for the products on your order. Just look at the paper invoice that came with your order and add those quantities to what you already have in QT.
On the Expenses page click "Add Expense". In the dropdown box for Expense Category you will use the four InTouch Un-imported expenses. These are section 1 wholesale, section 2 retail, taxes, and shipping. Just record those four expenses for your order.

You have now manually imported your wholesale or CDS order.

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