How to Handle Customer Delivery Service (CDS) Orders

CDS orders work just like wholesale orders. Here is how you handle them.

1. Import the order just like you would any order from Mary Kay, but select Customer as the order type. You can also select the customer the order is for from the dropdown menu. (This will give you credit for "buying" the product and add it to your inventory.)

2. When receiving the order you will have an option to "Receive and Create Invoice" which will receive the order and open a new invoice with all the products from the order. Make any edits, add discounts, shipping, etc. and save the invoice. If you have already created the invoice you can just click "Receive Order".

This sounds like extra work but there is actually a lot going on when you do this. The most important thing is that it's updating your end of year Tax Report, but it also gives you a record of the product coming in and going out of your inventory. It gives you a product purchase history, customer sales history, and updates your WAS.

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