ProPay Payment Links

You can send links to your customers to pay an invoice or their balance for multiple invoices. The payment will be processed through your ProPay account connected to QT. Make sure your ProPay account is connected to use this feature.

The Invoice Payment Link is a link you can send your customer to pay for that individual invoice through your ProPay account connected to QT. This link is included by default when you email an invoice to a customer.

Customer Balance Payment opens a pop up that allows you to enter a payment for the customer that can apply to all her unpaid or partially paid invoices.

From this popup you can make a customer payment to apply to multiple invoices. You can also get a Balance Payment Link to send to your customer to pay their balance for all unpaid and partially paid invoices. This link in unique to that customer and will not change.

What if you don't use ProPay?

If you do not use ProPay you should remove the link from the email sent to your customers. Go to the Invoice tab and click Invoice Settings. Scroll to the bottom of the page.

Remove the highlighted portion below to prevent a ProPay link from being emailed to your customers. You can make any other changes to this email message that you like. Click Save Changes.

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