How to Setup and Use ProPay

Note: You must have a ProPay account to process credit card transactions in QT Office Manager. Check InTouch for more information about signing up for ProPay.

ProPay Setup

To start using ProPay in QT go to the Account page in QT and click ProPay Settings.  Enter your ProPay account number. You will see a message to show that you are connected successfully.

Enter your ProPay fees if you'd like your transaction fees recorded automatically (check ProPay for the fees you pay). 

ProPay Usage

Once your ProPay account is connected to QT you can charge your customers through ProPay when creating an invoice. To pay with ProPay just enter the payment amount in the ProPay field on the invoice. If customer's payment information has not already been entered you will be asked to enter the credit/debit card information.  This information will be stored securely by ProPay so you do not have to enter it for every invoice.  If payment information has been entered there will be an edit button in case you need to change it. 

If a ProPay payment is entered and you click Continue you will see a message in red saying "Clicking  Confirm will charge the customer's Credit/Debit card through ProPay". The transaction will take place when you click Confirm.


How do I refund a payment made with ProPay?

Find your invoice in the Paid Invoices list. Click the  Green Arrow to refund the ProPay payment. The Red Arrow indicates a refunded ProPay payment. When the paid invoice is refunded the invoice will be moved to the Unpaid Invoice list.

Can I refund more than was originally processed by ProPay?

No. You can only refund the amount that you have processed on that credit/debit card for that invoice. Your ProPay account will need to have enough funds to cover the amount of the refund and the refund fee. 


  • Once an invoice is paid through ProPay you can never do the payment through ProPay again for the same invoice. This means if you edit the invoice after payment is made with ProPay the difference in the invoice total cannot be paid with ProPay. If you need to add another product it will need to be paid for with a means other than ProPay or you will need to create another invoice.
  • Return/Exchange Invoices cannot refund to ProPay. If products are returned you can refund by cash or check or give your customer a credit for a future invoice. You can only process a ProPay refund on a Normal Sale Invoice.

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