How to handle duplicates in Contacts, Customers and My Team

You can add people to the QT Office Manager under Contacts, Customers and My Team. You can also easily move people from one section to another with the "Turn Into" buttons. Example: A customer becomes a team member.

A person is determined to be unique by their first and last name, so if you have a customer named "Jane Doe" you cannot also have a contact named "Jane Doe". If you try to add someone with a name that already exists in QT you will get this error: 

If you see this you need to change the name of the person you are adding or change the name of the existing person. The existing person may be found under Contacts, Customers or My Team. They may also be in a deactivated group.

When importing customers or consultants from InTouch the first and last name is checked. If it exactly matches a name already in QT they are not imported again so you do not get duplicates.

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