How to use QT Mobile on your smartphone

You can use QT Office Manager on your smartphone by simply visiting in your phone's browser.

You can add a "web clip" which will give you a button on your home screen to make it easy to access QT Mobile (just like an app).

Here are the (very simple) steps to get the web clip/app:

1. Sign up for QT Office (if you have not already that is). If you have not signed up yet, then you can try QT Office free for 30 days at

2. On your iPhone go to (this will pull up the mobile site). You will have to pull up your web browser first.

3. Look for the little square button with the arrow pointing out. It is located on your iPhone in the very center of the screen at the bottom

4. Tap that button (This will show a pop up menu with several choices)

5. Tap the choice that says “Add to Home Screen”.

6. Name your web clip/app (“QT” is a good short name) and tap Add. Now you can use that button to go straight to QT Mobile.

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