One Time Email Marketing
To create a new One Time Email click Marketing in the main menu. (if Email Marketing is not part of your package you can upgrade.)
On the Marketing page click "Create New One Time Email/Marketing"
Next, choose a template. You can use an existing template from QT Office, use a custom template you created previously, or create a new template. For this tutorial I'll choose to use the Blank template.
We can now create our email. Start by entering the Email Subject. Enter a Template Name if you would like to save this email as a template. Attach any files you need, like a pdf version of a newsletter. Then write your email. You can start with the names codes. If you begin your email "Hi [[firstname]]" QT will fill in the first name of the person receiving the email. That way this mass email is personalized.
Use the editor toolbar to change fonts and text color, add images, insert links, and get your email looking just the way you want. When you're ready click Next.
The next step is assigning people to receive the email. Select a group and click Add Group or search for an individual by first or last name and click their name in the results to add. Once assigned you can remove individuals by checking the box by their name and clicking the "Remove Selected" button. Once you have everyone assigned click Next.
The final step is choosing Send or Schedule. "Send" puts your email in the queue to go out right away. (Actual time depends on how many other people are sending emails, but it should go out within an hour.) "Schedule" allows you to choose a date in the future for your email to be sent.