How to handle sets of products in your inventory
When you import a product set it gets listed as one item in your inventory. If it is something you would sell individually you need to "open the package". To do this, find the set that came in the order in your QT inventory. Gift sets that have five products will need to be listed as individual items. Next to the gift set in the inventory you should see another product with "i" in the product code. That is the individual item. Change the quantity of the set to 0 and the quantity of the individual item to 5. If you have more than one gift set adjust the numbers accordingly. Doing this keeps your inventory value the same, but you can now add the individual items to an invoice and keep your inventory on track.
For things like a Miracle set or Volu-Firm set, it works almost exactly the same way. The difference is you are not looking for items with an "i" in the product code. You just need to find the items that are included in the set. For each set you would decrease the quantity of the set by 1 and increase the quantity of the individual items by 1.