Adding Another Customer to an Invoice

You have the ability to add additional customers to invoices and track each customer's product history individually. This allows you to create one invoice and receive one payment, but sell products to more than one person. A prime example of when this would be beneficial is for a mother purchasing products for herself and her daughter.

In the example below the top products on the invoice are for the primary customer, Terry Hayden, and will appear in her purchase history. "Add Another Customer" was clicked and the secondary customer, Tricia Hayden, was selected. The products added below Tricia Hayden will appear in Tricia's purchase history. If another product needed to be added for the primary customer, Terry, you would click "Add Row Above" to add a new row in Terry's section of the invoice. When searching for a new product it will be added to the first available empty row. If the secondary customer row is removed, all products will now be for the primary customer.

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