Customer Tax Rate and Discount

You have the the option of setting a per customer Tax Rate and Discount. These settings are in the Invoice Information section of the Customer Profile. The options set here will be used for that customer when creating an invoice.

The Tax Rate options are Default, Tax Free, and Custom Rate. Default uses the rate you set in the Basic Info section of the Account page. Tax Free means this customer will have a rate of 0%. Custom rate is a tax rate that applies to just this customer. When you enter a tax rate on the invoice other than the default you will be given the option to make this the custom tax rate for the customer.

The Customer Discount is a discount percentage that will be added to the order discount field for this customer's invoices. This could be used if you have a standard discount for certain customers like family, teachers, veterans, etc.

Both the tax rate and discount can be edited when you create an invoice.

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